Your name was obtained from the list of registered voters in Adams County, which was provided by the Board of Elections. The drawing of
prospective jurors is performed according to statutory guidelines, which assures a random selection of a fair cross section of the community.
Being a registered voter is NOT a pre-requisite to serving. Your voting record has nothing to do with your ability to be selected. It is the
only source list used by Adams County to obtain jurors’ names.
What are the requirements to serve as a juror?
Potential jurors must be at least 18 years of age, a United States citizen, a resident of Adams County, and reasonably able physically and
mentally to serve.
How long will I have to serve?
Adams County has three terms of four months each per jury year. You will be subject to call for one term of four months. If you are selected
to serve on a jury for a criminal or civil trial you will be excused from serving again during that term.
Do I have to respond to the jury summons?
YES. Your jury summons is an official court order and you may be held in contempt of court. If held in contempt, the court may impose a fine
and/or other punishment as provided by Ohio law. A lawful excuse from the court is required in order to be excused.
What should I wear for jury duty?
Wear comfortable clothing that enhances the dignity of the Court and emphasizes the seriousness of your responsibility. Shorts, hats,
tank tops, tee-shirts, sweatsuits, or other such informal attire is not considered appropriate in the courtroom.
What hours will I serve?
Normal business hours at the Courthouse are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. On days that you report for jury service, you can expect to be there
during its normal hours. If not selected for a jury, you may be able to leave early. Jurors will be given a lunch break and may be given other
breaks during a trial. On occasion, a trial will continue beyond the normal working hours. If this happens, you may need to arrange your
schedule to allow you to stay longer.
Is it possible that I might report for jury service but not sit on a jury?
Yes, the parties involved in a case generally seek to settle their differences and avoid the expense and time of a trial. Sometimes the case
is settled just a few moments before the trial begins. Though many trials are scheduled daily, the Court doesn't know until that morning how many
will actually go to trial. But your time spent waiting is not wasted. Your presence encourages settlement.
Do I get paid for jury duty?
You will receive per diem of $15.00 for a not-seated half-day or $25.00 for a full seated day for each day that you are required to attend. Work statements for
your company indicating the days that you served as a juror and the amount paid will be furnished upon request.
What amenities are offered to the jurors?
Free Coffee and Water
Refrigerator, freezer, and microwave access
Vending machines for both Snacks and Drinks (Available for Pay)